351Conversion.com collects the following information from its users:
Contact Information (email address, phone number, etc.)
Investment Style
Investment Preferences
This information is collected through a form on the website.
Users are not required to provide this information to use the website, but doing so enables the matching service offered by 351Conversion.com.
Information Use
351Conversion.com does not use the information it collects to contact users or sell their information to third parties. The information remains private on 351Conversion.com‘s secure servers.
The sole purpose for collecting this information is to match investors with ETF issuers that are seeking to raise capital for a 351 conversion. If a match is identified, 351Conversion.com will contact both the investor and the ETF issuer to see if they are interested in being connected.
Information Sharing
351Conversion.com does not share user information with any third parties except as required by law.
Information Security
351Conversion.com takes appropriate security measures to protect user information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. 351Conversion.com uses industry-standard security practices, such as encryption and firewalls, to protect user data.
User Rights
Users have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal information. Users may also request that 351Conversion.com stop processing their information. To exercise these rights, users may contact 351Conversion.com using the information provided below.
Changes to this Policy
351Conversion.com may update this privacy policy from time to time. Users will be notified of any changes by email or a notice on the website.
351Conversion.com can be reached at tax@351conversion.com.
Effective Date
This privacy policy is effective as of January 14, 2025.